What Is Aromatherapy? 

Aromatherapy Putrajaya Spa massage is the practice of using fragrant, aromatic plant compounds to relax and improve emotional wellbeing. Often referred to as essential oils, these natural extracts are distilled from the leaves, flowers, roots, seeds and bark of various plants. These concentrated liquids have a rich, complex fragrance that can be used to scent beauty products and perfumes as well as for health benefits such as stress relief, mood enhancement, and aiding the immune system. 

Unlike drugs, aromatherapy isn’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) so be sure to work with a trained professional to make informed decisions about how and when to use this alternative treatment. Aromatherapy can help ease some common health problems such as digestive upset, menstrual cramps, insomnia, and depression. During a consultation an aromatherapist will ask questions about your lifestyle and health to develop a custom treatment plan that can be used alongside any other medical care you are receiving. 

The most commonly used method of aromatherapy massage near me is inhalation. The molecules from the oil enter your nose and interact with olfactory nerves in the brain to elicit a response, which can range from a pleasant smell to an increase in heart rate. The oils can also be applied topically after dilution with a carrier oil or added to a diffuser, and some may be consumed orally. 

Because of the potent nature of these oils, you should always dilute before applying them to your skin. A carrier oil, like olive or jojoba oil, can be used to dilute an essential oil for topical application. Some oils should not be taken orally, and the chemical compounds in some can irritate the skin. 

When choosing an essential oil, choose one that is 100% pure, with no additives. Avoid “fragrance oils”—these are usually made from a combination of essential oil and chemicals and are not suitable for aromatherapy. Look for a product from a trusted manufacturer that offers transparency about its sourcing and production methods. Look for dark-colored glass bottles to protect the oils from light degradation, which can taint their purity. 

Whether you’re looking for a mood booster or just want to clean your home, there’s an aromatherapy oil to fit your needs. To help you get started, we’ve put together a list of some of the most popular oils to get you acquainted with this natural therapy.